Join a Pastoral Residency

Embark on your pastoral journey in a healthy church committed to helping pastors start well.
WHAT - Pastoral Residencies
Pastoral Residencies
Preparing Future Pastors

Each church in the Made to Flourish residency network offers a two to three ­year full-time paid mentoring residency designed to train and equip church leaders of tomorrow.

Within each local church, residents are given responsibility, mentored by senior leaders, and provided a healthy church environment to learn, grow, and practice vocational pastoral ministry. Our residency program brings together the best of seminary education and the local church experience in preparing future church leaders for life-long faithfulness in ministry.

Six Characteristics of a Pastoral Residency

  • Prepares pastors for a lifetime of pastoral service
  • Teaches a theology of faith, work, and economic wisdom
  • Involves pastoral employment for the resident
  • Lasts a minimum of two-years
  • Occurs after graduation or during degree completion
  • Based in a local church
Why - purpose
Pastoral Residencies
Pastoral work is hard, it’s important to start well

Just as teaching hospitals provide real-life experience for young, talented doctors, a pastoral residency provides an irreplaceable learning laboratory for you to grow in leadership, preaching, administration, and godly character.

By the numbers.

programs supported across the country
pastors trained IN
local churches

"I watched my father, a gunsmith, slowly disconnect & eventually leave the church altogether because he consistently felt like a low-grade believer. Pastor after pastor demanded that he had to serve in the ordained ministries of the church if he was really honoring God. So I’m pretty stoked to be a part of a network that says to men like my father, "Your workplace is your mission; it is your Christian life.”

Pastor Tom southerland
Portland Network
How - Application process & requirements
Pastoral Residencies
How do I join a Pastoral Residency?
Step 1.

Find residencies

Explore our programs with our Residency Directory.

Step 2.

Create Your Profile

Create your applicant profile.

Step 3.

Apply to Churches

Select the churches you wish to apply to.

Step 4.

Get hired

Manage your active applications and apply to additional churches.

Applicant Profile

Your applicant profiles includes your contact/ personal information, background, and open responses.

Get started
  • List your educational background.
  • List your work experience.
  • Tell us about any awards you have received throughout your educational experience.
  • In what ways have you or are you currently demonstrating leadership?
  • How would you describe your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Tell us about your journey of faith.
  • How have you been involved in your local church – past and present?
  • What is something you have learned recently from the Word of God?
  • What has God been teaching you lately?
  • Read any good books lately? Tell us about one or two of them. (Exclude the Bible on this answer.)
  • What do you like to do for fun?
  • Tell us about your sense of calling. Where and how do you sense God is directing you to serve Him after graduation from seminary?
  • What are 3-5 guiding principles in your developing philosophy of ministry?
  • What is your current area of focus in the MDiv program? (If applicable)
  • Are you a committed paedobaptist or credobaptist?
  • Do you subscribe to a confession / statement of faith? Which ones?
Current Residencies
Pastoral Residencies
Find Your Pastoral Residency

Our network of residency churches supports 77 programs across the country. Churches in our network have been vetted and are being supported by Made to Flourish in the running of their programs.

Enter into a season of formational training as a pastoral resident.

Ready to apply?

Once you’ve completed your application PDF document, take the next step and complete our application form.

Apply now